Imran Khan's declaration to break down the gatherings next Friday.

Imran Khan's declaration to break down the gatherings next Friday.
Imran Khan

Administrator PTI Imran Khan reported the disintegration of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Congregations on Friday (December 23). They say that the main successors to this nation are individuals and no other person, they don't need what is happening in Sri Lanka.

In a significant location to the country, Administrator PTI Imran Khan said that Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif had bankrupted the country, and the people who were burglarizing the country for a considerable length of time were placed on top until straightforward races are held.

During Imran Khan's discourse, he was joined by Boss Pastor Punjab Chaudhry Pervez Elahi and Boss Clergyman Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan.

Administrator Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan says that they had numerous open doors abroad however consistently favored Pakistan, I live and pass on in Pakistan.

He expresses that because of distress, 750,000 Pakistanis left the country in 7 months, expansion is the most noteworthy in the country in 50 years, and the economy was working following 17 years in our administration, contrasted with the year before. Speculation from abroad has divided, today financial backers from abroad and Pakistan have little to no faith in the ongoing government.

Administrator PTI further said that we didn't have dollars coming yet we raised the economy, Pakistanis were making record ventures abroad during our time, and there were record products of 33 billion bucks during our time, 6100 during our time. There was a duty assortment of billions of rupees.

Imran Khan says that the ongoing government has no guide, they need to treat disease with disparaging, their point is just to delay the political race, they fear the political race, they fear rout at whatever point the political decision is held.

He called the Main Political decision Magistrate unscrupulous and said that the Political decision Commission is in a plot with him, when he went to the High Court against a similar Political race Commission, he concurred.

Imran Khan says that such revisions were made in the Grab rules, because of which Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, and their family were gotten free from cases.

He said that my inquiry is who is answerable for the power shift. When the economy was going up, who is the person who put these criminals on top? That is what is happening in Pakistan today, the default rate is 100 percent, which implies Assuming they give credit to Pakistan, there is a 100 percent chance that Pakistan can not reimburse the credit.

Director Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan declared the disintegration of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Congregations on Friday, December 23. He said that I express gratitude toward Parvez Elahi and Mehmood Khan,

we will get ready for the decisions in the wake of dissolving the congregations, individuals are the main successors to this nation, and no other person, we will go to the Public Gathering and request that the Speaker acknowledge our abdications.

Administrator PTI says that we are forfeiting 2 gatherings, individuals realize that we didn't go to the get-together, but still, I won in the by-political decision, I don't need Sri Lanka-like circumstances here and individuals to come to the roads, I need us. Rout them through decisions and the name of these criminals will be eradicated.

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